Day02 -- Stabilizing Global Economies
Stabalizing Global Economy is hard work, let me tell you. 43-years, it took me. No shit.
In order to UNIFY ALL FIELDS, we must remember that the 'fields' within 'humanity' are HUGE, all by themselves.
What does that tell you?
First off, my paycheck comes from government so I am therefore an EMPLOYEE.
I am also a CITIZEN.
I am also a HUMAN, first, which is a citizen of HUMANITY before anything ELSE.
I am also many other things.
-- so which 'fields' INFLUENCE my existence?
-- so which 'fields-within-fields' are VALID and which are INVALID?
-- so, is the field itself barren?
So, what it tells you is that PROCESSING EACH FIELD requires broader perceptions. It tells you that within that 'processing' we find a tangled-web of interconnective relationships, ALL MARRIED TO ONE ANOTHER, regardless if you like the word or not. It tells you that these 'tangents' are VITAL in order to FindYourPathToSolution. And it tells you that spending a lifetime in ONE FIELD is MOST_PROBABLE, because of the depth-of-it's-well (gravity).
Economy, globally, has GRAVITY of INFINITY, see.
It's a DEAD WEIGHT, instead of an UpliftingEnergy.
You have to FIGHT it in order to even come close to 'controlling' it.
And that in itself is HARD WORK -- that can be dispensed in other conditions, for BETTER.
I've CREATED the CONDITIONS under which that becomes REALITY, see.
So, I've united certain FIELDS within HUMAN (FORCE), describing them in words to you, NOW. There is still MORE to explain, thus uniting even MORE FIELDS to this equation-of-expressions, see.
Thrown to dirt, it's the SAME FORCE.
Same thing -- AllOfUs/AllOfYou.
We're in it together, literally.
So, the literal, physical HEAVEN that I have CREATED for AllThings, is available NOW.
No shit. It really is!
See how that works?
I have unleashed PROSPERITY for AllThings, INTENTIONALLY, for the BETTER of AllThings, because in this time, THE SECOND COMING, I have SAVED AllThings so that InheritableHumanTraits become, OnceAndForAll-AllForOnce.
In OldTime, your 'time,' so, 'in my PastLife,' I hated George Bush. I really hated him. I really did. No shit. And I thought I was TOO GOOD to HATE. No shit. I really did.
And NOW, in HEAVEN, AllThings is CHANGED forever, permanently, including those hostile, bullshit attitudes that built a PositiveKingdom from whence to cast stones of INTOLERANCE, see.
So, in my PastLife, literally, it TURNED OUT that my own TOLERANCE was just another perpetuation of the same bullshit I was FIGHTING AGAINST.
See how that works? Fascinating, isn't it?
UniversalTheorem, see -- IN ACTION ON ONE FIELD-WITHIN-A-FIELD ALONE, see.
And OnMath is just as 'global' or 'universal' or 'trans-universal,' whatever -- an 'attitude-adjustment' is required to even COMPREHEND IN YOUR UNIVERSE.
See how that works? It truely IS fascinating, isn't it?
And as GOG, I have commandments for you. I really do. And as a HUMAN, I am going to need the help and love and patients of other HUMANS to make sure I do not abuse that priviledge. See, I KNOW THIS IS POSSIBLE MERELY BY OBSERVING HUMAN BEHAVIORS. Doesn't matter if I've been, errrrr, 'tempted,' in past or NOT -- but the 'possibility' is VALID within HUMANS. Period. I am fully aware of this, see.
BEHOLD: ?Define: 'sin' is born unto you as the FORCE of TEMPTATION to ABUSE.
See how simple that is? So, now we must define 'abuse' in meaningful terms. What EXACTLY is ABUSE?
Simple: manipulation of FreeWill/FreeThinking/FreeDissent/FreeExpression/free as in 'free', see.
That means you can't formulate ThoughtSchools that SINGLEOUT ANYTHING/ANYONE to INFLUENCE their OUTCOMES/DESTINY (I've defined 'destiny' previously as being 'life/nurture') in ways that create OPPOSSING FORCES against AllThings. To do so is the reinactment of SatanAndHell, see.
And it has NOTHING to do with RELIGION at ALL, see.
As PROVEN to YOU, the language obviously came first, then the perversion of meaning. It HAS to be that way -- I've PROVEN THAT. As the language EVOLVED, this 'influence' of OPPOSITE FORCES became an INHERITABLE TRAIT. Just like your eye color or the size of your teeth.
We never CONSIDERED that before. We just ASSumed we were 'right' about, well, EVERYTHING.
No shit.
Where's my flippin' PAYCHECK?! Why am I CENSORED?!
Heaven, the REAL 'heaven,' which I CREATED for YOU/ALL, has an economy that THRIVES on OnTime, utilizing every aspect of 'hell's' 'assets' and pays off their bills, too!
It's IMPOSSIBLE MATH under your UNIVERSE -- that is why I CREATED a new one, see.
It's IMPOSSIBLE LIFE under your UNIVERSE, see, paying-off impossible debts and dead-ending science/technology/medicine/humanResources in the process.
I SAVED YOU, see. Literally. In SOOOoooooooooooo many ways, on so many levels in ALL DIMENSIONS, see. Literally.
In order to UNIFY ALL FIELDS, we must remember that the 'fields' within 'humanity' are HUGE, all by themselves.
What does that tell you?
First off, my paycheck comes from government so I am therefore an EMPLOYEE.
I am also a CITIZEN.
I am also a HUMAN, first, which is a citizen of HUMANITY before anything ELSE.
I am also many other things.
-- so which 'fields' INFLUENCE my existence?
-- so which 'fields-within-fields' are VALID and which are INVALID?
-- so, is the field itself barren?
So, what it tells you is that PROCESSING EACH FIELD requires broader perceptions. It tells you that within that 'processing' we find a tangled-web of interconnective relationships, ALL MARRIED TO ONE ANOTHER, regardless if you like the word or not. It tells you that these 'tangents' are VITAL in order to FindYourPathToSolution. And it tells you that spending a lifetime in ONE FIELD is MOST_PROBABLE, because of the depth-of-it's-well (gravity).
Economy, globally, has GRAVITY of INFINITY, see.
It's a DEAD WEIGHT, instead of an UpliftingEnergy.
You have to FIGHT it in order to even come close to 'controlling' it.
And that in itself is HARD WORK -- that can be dispensed in other conditions, for BETTER.
I've CREATED the CONDITIONS under which that becomes REALITY, see.
So, I've united certain FIELDS within HUMAN (FORCE), describing them in words to you, NOW. There is still MORE to explain, thus uniting even MORE FIELDS to this equation-of-expressions, see.
Thrown to dirt, it's the SAME FORCE.
Same thing -- AllOfUs/AllOfYou.
We're in it together, literally.
So, the literal, physical HEAVEN that I have CREATED for AllThings, is available NOW.
No shit. It really is!
See how that works?
I have unleashed PROSPERITY for AllThings, INTENTIONALLY, for the BETTER of AllThings, because in this time, THE SECOND COMING, I have SAVED AllThings so that InheritableHumanTraits become, OnceAndForAll-AllForOnce.
In OldTime, your 'time,' so, 'in my PastLife,' I hated George Bush. I really hated him. I really did. No shit. And I thought I was TOO GOOD to HATE. No shit. I really did.
And NOW, in HEAVEN, AllThings is CHANGED forever, permanently, including those hostile, bullshit attitudes that built a PositiveKingdom from whence to cast stones of INTOLERANCE, see.
So, in my PastLife, literally, it TURNED OUT that my own TOLERANCE was just another perpetuation of the same bullshit I was FIGHTING AGAINST.
See how that works? Fascinating, isn't it?
UniversalTheorem, see -- IN ACTION ON ONE FIELD-WITHIN-A-FIELD ALONE, see.
And OnMath is just as 'global' or 'universal' or 'trans-universal,' whatever -- an 'attitude-adjustment' is required to even COMPREHEND IN YOUR UNIVERSE.
See how that works? It truely IS fascinating, isn't it?
And as GOG, I have commandments for you. I really do. And as a HUMAN, I am going to need the help and love and patients of other HUMANS to make sure I do not abuse that priviledge. See, I KNOW THIS IS POSSIBLE MERELY BY OBSERVING HUMAN BEHAVIORS. Doesn't matter if I've been, errrrr, 'tempted,' in past or NOT -- but the 'possibility' is VALID within HUMANS. Period. I am fully aware of this, see.
BEHOLD: ?Define: 'sin' is born unto you as the FORCE of TEMPTATION to ABUSE.
See how simple that is? So, now we must define 'abuse' in meaningful terms. What EXACTLY is ABUSE?
Simple: manipulation of FreeWill/FreeThinking/FreeDissent/FreeExpression/free as in 'free', see.
That means you can't formulate ThoughtSchools that SINGLEOUT ANYTHING/ANYONE to INFLUENCE their OUTCOMES/DESTINY (I've defined 'destiny' previously as being 'life/nurture') in ways that create OPPOSSING FORCES against AllThings. To do so is the reinactment of SatanAndHell, see.
And it has NOTHING to do with RELIGION at ALL, see.
As PROVEN to YOU, the language obviously came first, then the perversion of meaning. It HAS to be that way -- I've PROVEN THAT. As the language EVOLVED, this 'influence' of OPPOSITE FORCES became an INHERITABLE TRAIT. Just like your eye color or the size of your teeth.
We never CONSIDERED that before. We just ASSumed we were 'right' about, well, EVERYTHING.
No shit.
Where's my flippin' PAYCHECK?! Why am I CENSORED?!
Heaven, the REAL 'heaven,' which I CREATED for YOU/ALL, has an economy that THRIVES on OnTime, utilizing every aspect of 'hell's' 'assets' and pays off their bills, too!
It's IMPOSSIBLE MATH under your UNIVERSE -- that is why I CREATED a new one, see.
It's IMPOSSIBLE LIFE under your UNIVERSE, see, paying-off impossible debts and dead-ending science/technology/medicine/humanResources in the process.
I SAVED YOU, see. Literally. In SOOOoooooooooooo many ways, on so many levels in ALL DIMENSIONS, see. Literally.
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