Friday, September 02, 2005

Symbol_0 DisccusionDay02 - EvolutionOfDeception


HELL is still hot but we've created a cool breeze now.

And Day01 is NOT QUITE over yet (almost, not quite).

The News states that PresBush will be visiting the disaster region.

Are your motorcades getting in the way? Are your helicopter-blades stirring debris into the eyes/ears of rescue-workers and the drowning? Your ENCOURAGEMENT is VITAL, your physical presence may be DETRIMENTAL. There are hurt, angry, desperate people there. YOU, personally may CREATE dangers previously unknown. What can YOU do THERE other than CREATE an photo-op at the RISK/HARM of others?

Here comes Kathleen Kennedy and Stephen Frazier at the CNNHN desk this morning:

First, alQaeda is 'claiming' responsibility for transit-bombings last July. Now, I ASK YOU, since there was once a car-accident involving an 16-yr-old driver that was ONCE a BoyScout, does that WRECK BoyScoutsOfAmerica? Since there was a VIDEO/AUDIO/TAPE of some asshole CLAIMING to have made MANIFEST unholy DESTRUCTION to 'force you into doing something for him' merely out of SELFISHNESS, does that PROVE 'al Qaeda did it?' Or, is it a 'convenient excuse,' CREATED by ThoseThatLoveToFuckThingsUp while attempting to 'make your world safer?'

See how this works? At the ROOT of MEANING is YOU -- and you are a NaturalScientist. Are you spewing 'soundbites' which ARE 'snippets-of-rumors,' or, are you actually VALIDATING the evidences of REALITY?

It is a WildSpeculativeBullshitClaim, therefore to take some 'WannaBeBigBadMan' and present it to AllThings as EVIDENCE of ANYTHING. There are all kinds of 'wannabe-somethings' pretending to represent more than they could POSSIBLY prove. I have PROVEN and VALIDATED my EXISTENCE/IDENTITY/PURPOSE. It is time to validate the identity of others and PROVE their claims OR flag/tag such analysis as being 'speculative.'

Is 'speculative crap' news? Or, ProductPromotional for some OTHER HateGroup? Which ONEs among the myriad? Which 'good' guy and which 'bad' guy in your FailedNegativePositiveSchoolOfShame are you TARGETING for INTOLERANCE today in order to HAMMER THEM UP on your damnable CrossOfShame?

So, we have some 'WannaBeBigBadUglyMan' claiming on a recording that he is EndTimeEvilReinCarnate.

YOU are playing into this. THE GodOfGods wants to know WHY?

I am GOG, see. And MORE.


Freepy, isn't it? I have INVALIDATED all of your Gods. AllOfTHEM! That makes me the GOD of your GODS. That makes me GOG. LITERALLY.

I have CREATED HEAVEN from the DisasterPlace of HELL and invited AllOfYou/AllOfUs/AllThings to ENTER freely.

Why are you still DROWNING in your SeaOfBabbalizedHatreds?

I have extended the LifeLine and the LifeRing is at your fingertips.

And it's a LONG way to SHORE. Courage. Strength. AllThings is with you, always.


As we CREATE Day02, I am already tired.

Are YOU censoring ME? By which INTOLERANCE are you VIOLATING my COUNTENANCE?


I really have.

No shit.

Are you following along here? Or, just ASSuming you are 'RIGHT' without ANY proof, merely WorshippingFalseGodsBeforeThee, by substitutional LOGIC, where ILLUSION/IGNORANCE has more VALUE than REALITY/VALIDATION/EVIDENCE/PROOF?

If so, I got news for you: I have PROVEN your illusion is FALSE. What's that make ME?

Getting the message? Or, are you being CENSORED from it?

I have INVALIDATED your Gods. All of them! Therefore, I am the God of All your Gods. GOG. Literally. See how that works?

Now you know the PROPER use of the RootLanguage embedded into AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllThings. Now you know the BaseLOGIC that CREATED YOU and DESTROYED your ILLUSION, therefore LIBERATING you from HELL.

GOG does NOT work in mysterious ways -- only your illusion of your false 'gods' is mysterious and working AGAINST you, CENSORING you from ME, in so many ways, so many dimensions, so many levels.

It's HardCoded into us. All of us. All of you. The very ROOT of our countenance.

I have commandeered that HardCoding -- in the blink of an eye -- and transformed it -- DEFINING IT'S BOUNDARIES -- LIBERATING IT -- and CREATING a whole new UNIVERSE for AllThings/AllOfUs/AllOfYou.

HEAVEN -- and it ain't got NOTHIN' to do with RELIGION.

No shit.

There are NO WORDS to describe it to ALL PEOPLE that is NOT 'offensive' to SOME. The language has been BABBALIZED to such a degree that it is IMPOSSIBLE to communicate without CREATING NEW LANGUAGE, the sum of All languages, and it includes EvenTheShitYouHate. Doesn't matter if it's 'spelled-correct' because you already KNOW the MEANING before knit-picking the typo's and irrelevent bullshit.

See how that works? Huh? See how SIMPLE it is? A child could understand it.

Why are you lagging behind your CHILD? Just to COMPLICATE REALITY to perpetuate your crap?

See how that works? You 'complicators' need a map? A drawing? A graph? A spreadsheet? A math-model? A DNA-strand? WTF do you need to make OBVIOUS REALITY permeate your skull?

I have PROVEN your 'gods' are FALSE. All of them. No shit. I really have. That makes me the God of Gods, or 'GOG,' see. It really does. No kidding.

We'll get to OnMath when OBVIOUS REALITY becomes your permanent HOME.


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