Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Symbol_0 - Weapons Of War With Codes

where's my UGLY_PEOPLE channel?
where's my LocalBandChannel?

HELL sucks.

ThoughtSchool: MeaningOfLife
The 'infinity' of your 'universe' is perpetual 'good/evil' and it's 'outcome' : EndTimes.


It's that simple.

OTHER WORDS FOR SAME (above) 'ThoughtSchool':

MeaningOfLife is perpetual INTOLERANCE in 'HELL.'

I have PROVEN the ROOT of the very MEANING from that which the phrase 'burn in Hell' is supported within the SeaOfHumanity's ThoughtSchool (need a new word here).

I have just PROVEN the ROOT meaning of the phrase 'burn in Hell' to you.

See how this works?

Are we following each other?

I have INVALIDATED the BaseLogic of your entire BookOfKnowledge. It's horrible. Think about it. We got fucked. Period. You know it and I know it. No HUMAN can snap their fingers and wish it all away. But there's a simple way out of Pandora'sBox:

Inside the 'box,' we unravelled Gordian'sKnot.

See how that works?

Are we following each other?

Now, we finally understand that 'negative' is INTOLERANCE and 'positive' is 'MoreIntolerance.'

PROVING you are drowning in a sea of babbalized ideologies.

I did that. me. And I"m damned honored.

Phew! Close-call, eh? Lucky to be happenin' by.

Now, I've invalidated your DECEIVED 'thought-school.'
AND, offered you LIBERATION from the GRAVITY of this 'black-hole-sucking-monster-of-shame.'

Don't you think that's wonderful?

Isn't it about fucking time somebody came along and SOLVED the problems we face today?

Not only did I just PROVE why this system is DOOMED and INCAPABLE of getting WELL ... I liberated all those LOST WITHIN -- a 'MiddleEarth' of the Lost -- a whole new dimension within AllThings that SHOULDnotExist.

But it does.



No shit.

We're DOING IT NOW. I'm translating. And need billions more translators.



The MeaningOfLife Kills EndTimes.

Therefore, the TRUE MeaningOfLife is ...

-- have you figured it out for yourself yet?
-- nurture.


THEREFORE: LIFE is your ONLY destiny.

The true 'meaning of life' is nurture. Every seed. Every bug. Even all the shit you hate.

It's that simple.

Even a child can understand it.

Now you know the definitive meaning of the phrase: 'love thy neighbor.'

Whether on THROWNS or dirt, we're InItTogether.

Nobody wants to harm anything unless ENCOURAGED.


The ANSWERS are always in the COMPLAINTS. Why CENSOR 'dissent' in ANY fashion?

For instance, in this FailedThoughtSchoolOfNegativePositiveShame that we live in, by using the VERY FailedBaseLogic that you use to 'bridge' your differing ideologies --

-- following along? does it matter where I type on the page? How short attention-span do you have?

-- ApocolypticNegatavism. Just heard it on FreeSpeechTV (is yours censored from you? Are you watching it now? Then, by the definition of your FailedLogicLanguage, it is CENSORED from your Universe.)

-- I can PROVE, by your own ridiculous definitions and using your own ridiculous common-expressions that I am the GOD of GODs that CREATED YOU. That's how fucked-up this FailedThoughtSchool is. No shit.

And OnHumor is flippin' GREAT in OnTime! :)

But that also brings up a very serious discussion about WhereSuicideComesFrom.

And HowFanaticsMindphukYou.

Same place. One feeding on the other. BloodSuckers.

Now, we just BEHELD 'evil.'

See how this works?

Isn't it freaky?

Well, the SumOfAllThings SOLVED all that stuff. It really did.

So those BloodSuckingVampires will drain your CupOfLife from within. ReignOfTerror virus.


You feel it in your gut.

"I got this sinking feeling -"


The UniversalTheorm PROVES itself in YOUR HOMES every moment.


So, 'freaky' or 'creepy' or 'inspired?'


We just got a portion from the SeaOfBabbalization.

(A taste from the HOLYGRAIL.)

So, I just NURTURED you with that 'energy' or 'communique' or 'thought-school.'

Your skin didn't burn.
Your eyes didn't explode.
Your crotch didn't fall off.


So, I just PROVED your parables/rants regarding 'If thyne eye offends thee, pluck it out.'

See it? Are you following along? Take a breath.

SumOfAllThings is in CODE.

Anyway -- besides that MostImportantDiscoveryEVER! -- did you hear about the people that need help right now? Or, what's on TV? When are you gonna-?

What TangentialRelation has crept into your DimensionalReality?
-- I just INVALIDATED your 'multiple-universal' bullshit
-- I just INVALIDATED your 'chaotictheoryofshame'

== no shit! I could now take you through the tangential-mental gyrations necessary to PROVE multiple-universes are common-elements within the very 'fabric' of our OWN reality. your 'biggest/brightest' missed-the-message on that one.

Using the VERYbaselessLOGIC that SHAPES the world around us, including all those 'other-dimensions,' I SAVED us from catastrophic doom merely by having this simple discussion with you.

I really did.

A WaveInTheSeaOfHumanity.


And inside this, to which I just invited and gave you the KEY to enter, is LIFE.

I SAVED AllThings and solved Pandora's BoxOfMindPhuks, by INVALIDATING it's contents.

So, in 'oldspeak' -- I am your GOD of GODs.

Doesn't that make you feel all 'warm-and-fuzzy' inside?

Disturbing, ain't it?


I'm just a stupid, simple HUMAN too. make lots of errors along the way. So, we are EQUALS. Please, DoMeNoHarm.

Anyway, now that we've EstablishedMyIdentity: disturbing or not, let's move on:

- we are 'playing chess' with AncientSymbols in our minds, see.
- the 'clues' are all around us.

Fascinating, eh?

So, I've IDENTIFIED the differing ThoughtSchools that MakesItAllSo.

About time, eh?

Phew! Close-call! Lucky I was in the area. And I not only found the next KEYS to AllPuzzles, but the RingOfKeys on the RingOfLife, so after we understand Symbol_0 in it's 9-dimensions, we are ready for OnMath.

And it's SIMPLE.

And we can flyTogether.

No shit.

"I saw through the eyes of the Eagle-"
"Flipper, flipper, faster than lightening-"

And you EXPERIENCED it. Personally. AtWill. FreeWill.

UniversalTheorem makes AllThings MadeSo.

MindOverMatter becomes a moot issue.


OnMath fixates a little on that.

And that's how important Symbol_0 is, see.

So, after SavingYourWorthlessAss, I am running low on nutrients.

A child could understand it. RU? I really am scared about paying my bills. I really am hungary. I really am whipped 40-lashes a day and it's day '30' of this cycle - and I'm CENSORED, NailedUp on the CrossOfShame.

And that's the very definitive meaning of the phrase, 'Hammered.'

-- common-words that we use everyday are mindphuks themselves, solved by the UniversalTheorem.
-- the 'roots' of the MeaningOfLife is PROVEN by the theorem to be DISEASED by SATAN.


What's that make ME?

Now, isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard in your life?

So, during this 40-days, I am watching in OnTime and their OldTime is running out --
-- I threw out the LifeRing with OnTime.
-- I threw out the LifeLine to tow them to shore.

It's a HUGE puzzle -- the MotherOfAllTHOUGHT -- see. It encapsulates AllThings, including every InstructionalSet you are familiar with and those you don't.


It SOLVED all the mystries of life itself. Death too. OnTime.

Are you familiar with 'metaphysics' or are you INTOLERANT of the concept?

See how this works?

In OnTime, the UniversalTheorem PROVES itself all the time.

In TINY but significant ways. Constantly. Perpetually. I have CREATED a WaveInHumanity of NURTURE. I breathe LIFE into the DROWNING SURVIVORS of the GenocideByDissent.

See? I PROVED that the very foundation that our BaseLogic is constructed is a conspiracy.



Alexander Dumas said something similar, eh? :)

-- how did I know that? SumOfAllThings. Simple. I'm the UniversalTranslator using the UniversalTheorm in OnTime to ride the StairWayToHeaven.

This sounds like 'patterns in randomness' but I've literally INVALIDATED your Chaos Theory.

So, what's that make me?

I've described in common words NewThought and instructed you on how to think in a new language.

All those 'huge-brainiac-thoughts' that mathematicians have been trying to describe in 'organized-symbology' is RightHere. I've describing it so I can PROVE the UniversalTheorem to you.

Nobody's ever done that for you before. SumOfAllThings.

Anyway, the 'roots' of the very concepts or ThoughtSchools surrounding every THEORY is SOLVED by the UniversalTheorem. I can now share with you where 'dimensional-space' and 'quantum-leaps' and 'fabric-of-time' and 'multiple-universes' comes from --


Math only ATTEMPTS to find symbology that fits these CONCEPTS or ThoughtSchools.

Those doing this 'OldMath' are so involved in knitpicking over symbols that they forgot what the fuck it was they're talking about.

What's the answer to 'infinity?' ONE.

How many thousands of books to describe that ThoughtSchool?

How many formulas?
How many discarded term-papers?
How many ridiculous proposals and underground 'secret' meetings to find the 'ultimate-value?'

If you don't laugh, you'll cry, see.

We're now teetering on the brink of a new discussion within this discussion, and that's the 'root' of War/Crime

-- related to Peace/Punishment.

See how this works?

War Peace
Crime Punishment

In our FailedThoughtSchoolOfNegativePositiveBullshit, we are PreProgrammedForFailure.


I SOLVED that.

I'm gonna keep on chatting away about it until I expire to SAVE you. Even ONE is better than none. They can't kill all of us. If your 'shining-example' lasts long enough, another may come along with the KEY -- maybe 20-centuries or so? Hmmm?

But I'm HAMMEREDUP, Nailed to the CrossOfShame, CENSORED from AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllThings.

How fair is that?

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on the SOLUTION to YEARNING --

-- and can't share it.

-- and the planet yearns too.
-- and yearning is made manifest by physical means.
-- you know it and I know it.
-- Act/ActNot/LOSEturn


Your SecondComing is about to EXPIRE before it ever got here.

You'll find the body nailed to TheUsualPlace: CrossOfShame.



See how that works?

In all it's many dimensions?

What, you thought I was inventing a stupid computer-game? A hoax? A marketing scam? Making up some silly prank to impress my 'intellectual-friends?'


MartyrComplex the best term you've got? We covered that already and I INVALIDATED the ThoughtSchool from which that term originated. "GrandeureDelusional" too.

I love my HumanForm. Please DoMeNoHarm. This is an OriginalUniqueCopy. WTF part of that don't you get?

--[tangential: and the ancient stories talked of a man that looked EXACTLY like me bringing the BookOfKNowledge to the Survivors -- of AllTribes];
--[tangential: and the BookOfShame was a reduction of my WORD by BabbalizedFools.]

Again? Only this 'time' with the Pamela AndersonS TRIBE warred against by the PapperazziTribe and all it's BEGATs in words we think we 'know' --

See where am I going? Do you catch-that-concept?

No thanks. last 'time' was hard enough, see.

Have you trembled yet?

Then maybe there's something LOST in this translation?

I INVALIDATED the very fabric of TimeFrameality in which EndTimesConspiracies Appocolypsed.

We're on OnTime now. I did that. Cool, huh?

We are alive and thriving for BETTER today because you've been SAVED by ResuscitateHumanity.

I breathed LIFE into you and unto yours.

One at a time.

And that's merely ONE tiny jewel of the UniversalTheorem and new OnMath.

I CREATED them for AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllThings. It CANNOT become weaponized now, see.

That's what I'm desperately trying to prevent. Just that.


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