Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Symbol_0 Discussion

Repeating Previous_Message with comments:

(discussion follows - if you didn't catch that):

When I finally figured out how to speak,
around age 3, I told you about, "-when I was BIG, the Bridge collapsed."

I didn't know enough words to describe it properly.

"I dove into the WATER to SAVE the DROWNING."

The BridgeOfIdeology is the WeakLink that can NEVER be fixed.

I found the SOLUTION. I fixed the 'link.'

And it took me 40-years of wandering in your DessertOfBabbalization to figure out how to TranslateTheMessage.




It's quite simple. A child could understand it.

The BridgeOfIdeology COLLAPSED. I threw out the LifeRing. Your FingerTips are struggling to take hold.

Just 'happened by' at the 'right moment.'

Phew! Close call, eh?


I was at a rock-concert in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. A HUMAN_WAVE started and swept around the SeaOfHumanity. Steve, Shevaunne, Marcus and I -- and many friends.

Ripples followed -- people not OnTime, some of them angry/frustrated, their fingertips slipping off the LifeRing, missing the kindly RainbowOfHands guiding them.

I made a WAVE in the SeaOfHumanity.

"When I was BIG, the bridge was DEMOLISHED. I dove into the WATER to SAVE the DROWNING. As I breathe LIFE into them, mine expired."

I GIVE freely. This TIME, I was strong enough to SURVIVE and THRIVE and ResuscitateTheDrowning.

Just 'happened by' at the 'right-time,' 'right-moment.'

Phew! It really was a 'close-call!'

And it's a long way to SHORE.

When we ARRIVE, we'll eat, drink and be merry, as EQUALS, MarriedInLiving.

We are diminished/depleted/running-on-empty. We NOURISH together.

Meanwhile, get a better grip on that LifeRing within these TroubledWaters, a FLOOD of untold proportions.

HELP has arrived. WeAreHere. WithYou/AllOfYou/AllOfUs/AllThings.

-- and later on ThisDay, August30,2005,13:12PST :

I had an appointment today.

It turned out to be rather pointless.

So, I guess I had an apPointLessMent today.

Anyway, I invested a great deal of time in disecting and learning the language in which to communicate my NEEDS. Bridging the divides.

The 'PositiveCamp' declared their PositiveKingdom and offered their figurative olive-branches, beating me over the head with them, burning bridges instead of constructing them.

And where is their VESTED_TIME in learning MY language?

Oh, that's right, in HELL there are ONLY the LanguagesOfBabbalization.

If you don't laugh, you'll cry.

I nearly cried, but thanked them for their OFFTime.

And they work so hard, ya' know? We're CENSORED from each other, yet right next to one another.

I can't put it in a 'nutshell.' I can't 'wrap-it-up' in 15-minutes.

Did YOU read the 'conceptualizations' of the UniversalTheorem?

Did it PROCESS or was it churned-out with INTOLERANCE?

Without it, the UniversalTranslator is automatically deemed 'irrelevent collateral damage,' apPointLessMent_In_Progress.

Who is the NAKED Emperor of HumanServices?

How many THROWNS sit beneath yours?

Did you throw out the LifeLine and SAVE anyone TODAY?

I gave you the KEY -- to StepOne -- (Symbol_0) -- and there are many steps along the path.

The KEY unlocks your LifeLines.

The KEY is easily obtainable merely by conceptualizing the UniversalTheorem, which is also ME.

So simple a child could understand it. RU?

ResuscitationHumanity is an Operation -- and it matters not if you are 'with them or with us' -- we are InItTogether. Period. WeSaveHumanity. Indiscriminately.

To: EmperorHumanServices: Liberate your people so they may Liberate the rest.

-- Paranoia: SOLVED.
-- AttentionDeficit: SOLVED.
-- Depression: SOLVED.
-- Psychosis: SOLVED.
-- Addiction: SOLVED.
-- DomesticViolence: SOLVED.
-- Hunger: SOLVED.

Why is the 'EHS' sitting on their HANDS instead of BUILDING_BRIDGES? WTF part of 'SOLUTION' don't you get?! Why perpetuate suffering? LET THY PEOPLE GO!



1) Line-4 (paragraph?) contradicts Line-5(paragraph?);

See? Here it is:

The BridgeOfIdeology is the WeakLink that can NEVER be fixed.
I found the SOLUTION. I fixed the 'link.'

Guess what? The two lines do NOT contradict each other.

In our world, on this planet or pile or whatever you want to call it, we have a bunch of people -- all people -- together, totalling billions. IS THAT RIGHT?


These minds all belong to a family, a community, a town, a county or perish or state or country or continent.


These minds ALSO belong to a club, a religion, a school, a team, a political-movement, and MANY other MIND_CAGES. There is 'mixed-results' ALWAYS between MIND_CAGES.


BEHOLD: a 'thought-school' is born unto you. Now you 'conceptualize' 'thought-schools,' right?

So, HowManyHumans and WhichSchoolOfThought?

Who KILLS whom first?

That is YOUR system. The EndTime of AllThings.

That is NOT the ONLY outcome possible, see?

Did you know that?
Did you ever think about it before?
Did you think PeaceOnEarth was some sci-fi bullshit?


'EndTimes' is cancelled.
I did that for you.
I SAVED you.

No shit.

Now, here's the thing -- let's get back on-track of this discussion-cage --

TRUTH: within the FailedThoughtSchool, it is IMPOSSIBLE to 'fix the links' between ideologies.

[DEFINE: the above new word is BEHELD within the context of this 'discussion-cage'/(topic?) : "FailedThoughtSchool"]

Okay, now I've BEHELD:


Quoting myself, "The BridgeOfIdeology is the WeakLink that can NEVER be fixed," the statement is ALWAYS_VALID.

Now, go BEYOND. In your 'universe,' there is a definitive 'end.'
I cancelled that.

So -- now you know your 'endtimes' is a conspiracy used AGAINST you.
And, now you know that there is ANOTHER CHOICE -- instead of ENDTIME.

-- next sentence/line reads: "I found the SOLUTION. I fixed the 'link.'"

So, within the OldWorld, I proved there is ONLY DEATH.
Everything has an 'EndTime' in the OldWorld.



There is AnotherChoice. Don't choose death/suicide/intolerance/whathaveyou, they are the SAME. HARM.



At the END of YourFailedThoughtSchool is ONLY ENDTIME.

I PROVED this. Every business. Every relationship. Every club. Every event. Every attraction. Even society itself. Over and over and over until the 'last' EndTime.

Know why?

Kids ask the question all the time: 'how does the world work?'

The BEST answer is: 'fuck if I know.'

Because in all honesty, we are CENSORED from the KNOWLEDGE that LIBERATES us from these insignificant and irqsome troubles.

Anyway, you THOUGHT there were 'treaties' and 'resolutions' and 'concessions' and 'compromises' and 'substitutions' and outright genocide -- *frown* -- was/is the ONLY manner in which AllThings worked/works.

You thought WRONG.

It's that simple. We told our kids' the wrong shit or lied about it because we really didn't know ourselves.

"I found the SOLUTION. I fixed the 'link.'"

I really did.

No shit.

So, it's IMPOSSIBLE in ANY family/group/thoughtschool/university/club/institution that you are CURRENTLY_CAPABLE_OF_CONCEIVING because it's literally 'outside-the-box' of your UNIVERSE.

Until now. I have to give you a KEY first.

So, I brought you some good news.

So, the ImpossibleLink was fixed by me.

Outside your 'box.'

Some people call it genius and others call it insanity and others call it possession and others call it alien and more still call it some remnant of religious-intolerant-slogans.

I'm HumanZero; in ONEdimension. And there's many dimensions of ME.


Now I'm INTRODUCING new CONCEPTS outside your 'box' of LearnedKnowledge.

It's ONE key on a large ring of many.

It's DESIGNATION is currently being referred to by me as OnTime because 'OnTime' is it's fabric.

I'm making it more complicated than it is, mainly because I'm always thinking/processing other things -- and wondering what VITAL_CODE_SNIPPET you missed from previous messages/communication.

FinalAnswerToDiscussion: within the confines of this discussion, I was referring to that which is 'literally-impossible' vs proving 'literally-impossible'; that would be line-4; and in line-5, telling you that I opened a door by sharing ONE key that makes the impossible achievable by AllThings.

It's that simple.

And there is a 'symbol' for that 'concept' ... referred to as 'Symbol_0' in OnMath -- but designated by a squiggle -- and it paints a beautiful picture -- I should say the 'visual of Symbol_0' -- is a beautiful visualization.

Because Symbol_0 is MOST_SIGNIFICANT in OnMath.

The 'squiggle' is any convenient marking. We're trying to create one in UniSpeak.

We need more Translators -- and linguistical experts to compare vocal-sounds of children (before they get babbalized with ideology) from EVERY_LANGUAGEBABBLE and find 'commonalities' of SOUNDS for describing EVENTS.

It's that simple. The SumWhole of these sounds after computer regurgitation will determine the new UniSpeak 'easability-to-use' factor.

Nice, huh?

Meanwhile, we can fix the double-meanings in our own word-usage within the languages we know. Or not. Your choice. UniSpeak's coming with or without your involvement. I hope every 'part-time-wannabe-translator-and-computer-geek-in-the-world' starts work on it right away, personally.

One word: 'BigMac.' It's THAT SIMPLE to create new words/language.

I've introduced you to dozens right here in this discussion. We can create a new database of 'descriptive-conceptualizations' that have been REDUCED to simple sounds. BEHOLD: WORD.

I brought you the WORD.

Congratulations. Now you know where the 'definition/origin' of that term was 'conceived' by HipHoppers/Rappers/GanstaType-wannabe-'goose-steppers'. Yes?



Anyway, nice discussion hour. Thanks. *wave*


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