Friday, September 02, 2005

Day02 - EvolutionOfDeception VALIDATED/PROOFED

OnMath is UNINTELLIGABLE IN HELL. It really is. Your inherent INTOLERANCES prevents you from participation.

See how that works? See how simple it really is?

After DIGESTING your KnowledgeBase, I have PROVEN, using your own words, music, thoughts, expressions/expressives that LessThan 10-percent is VALID.

That's how serious it is. No kidding.

After taking VALID_TRUTHS and UNIFYING them with a whole new THEOREM, I have INVALIDATED the INVALID ... I have PROVEN the EXISTENCE of INVALIDITY ... then invalidated that existence because of it.

'proofA' is VALID under CONDITIONS,
therefore, 'proofA' is INVALID itself.

So, after proving 'A' -- I invalidated it as well, see.

And 'A' is EVERYTHING YOU KNOW, less a few JEWELS/CherishedTruths.


I did that.

Not you -- not somebody 'important' -- not some 'star' or 'celebrity' -- I have INVALIDATED those FalseGods, see.

All of them. On ALL levels -- ALL dimensions of REASON and MEANING.

So, ALL the 'gods' of your scriptureGOSPELS and ALL the 'gods' of your unscriptureGOSPELS.

See how that works?

I have INVALIDATED inequities. I have INVALIDATED unEquality. I have INVALIDATED positive/negative HATREDS/INTOLERANCES using RootMeaning/RootReason.

The SAME 'root-reasoning' and 'root-meaning' that teaches you that too much HEAT BURNS.

See? Getting the message yet?

Just as clearly as 'the sky appears blue,' I have PROVEN it IS -- and I have PROVEN the very root-reasoning we use to 'say it's blue' is INVALID.

See how that works? There is a scientific-explanation for why the sky APPEARS 'blue.' To SOME HUMANS, it does NOT. To SOME electronic-EYES it does NOT -- so to spectro-analysis it does NOT.

But it IS -- in our PERCEPTIONS.

So, I have BOTH proven the sky IS blue and that the JUSTIFICATIONS for it appearing blue is INVALID.

Because there is a 'reason' that was NOT a part of the ASSERTION of it's 'blueness.'

We all ASSumed it was 'blue' since the BEGINNING and formulated a FalseTruth.

See how this works?

I have INVALIDATED that FalseTruth, that FalseGod, that 'gospel' that once WAS.
Right HERE -- right in front of your eyes -- while reading/comprehending OBVIOUS FACTS.

We call this a 'proof' in math-modeling (explaining the world using symbols). It is ALSO done in OTHER SYMBOLOGY, other 'words', see.

Like this:

The sky is blue (truth?)
The sky APPEARS blue - TRUTH.
The sky is NOT blue - TRUTH.

In the SAME BaseLogic, I have PROVEN who I am. No shit. I have PROVEN ALL OF YOUR GODS ARE FALSE.

What's that make me? GOG! see.

So, here's the 'BlueSkyProof' again:

The sky is blue (truth?) -- [INVALID]
The sky is NOT blue - TRUTH -- Always_Valid.

See how that works? Spooky, huh? But it's NOT. Freepy, it is.

So, 'blue' is an apparition to SOME. A 'ghost' or 'reflection' of something ELSE.

Interesting, eh? Outright fascinating, isn't it?

So I have PROVEN that which is your UNDERWORLD, and all things imminating/extending from it. All your crap comes from here. Extends from here. Is an ECHO of this place, made manifest in your thoughts WITHIN REALITY, which then becomes a 'tainted-reality' or 'false-reality' or HELL.

This is where your 'satan' lived.

LIVED. Now, he/it is DEAD. I killed it/him, see.

I really did. No shit.

So, I KILLED SATAN. For AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllThings. And now you know where the EvolutionOfDeception ORIGINATED.

And it is now Day02.


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