Thursday, September 08, 2005



So I FEEL this, errr, 'voice,' and it's one I'd 'heard' before. Once. Actually, quite a few times, but only TWICE clearly.
"Oh, I just love him!" (couple years ago)
"Thank you." (today)

Nope, never met, errr, 'it.' A gender-quality though. Female.

Keep this 'freepishness' in mind a moment --

Okay, I'm discouraged. Really.

Today has been most troubling. I'm gonna lay it out in it's disgusting details so you can 'FEEL' it for yourself -- just a 'taste.'

What's goin'On? Uh-huh. As expected. NOTHING.
I turn to the China News channel and Yang Yan is informing the viewers about 'Asia Times,' which I think could be the 'China News' program's name. Not sure -- wasn't logging knit-picky stuff.

She mentioned how the 'OperationFreedom' crowd were charging Saddam Hussein for some type of military campaign that resulted in the deaths of some 180,000 Kurdish people in the 1980's.

It pissed me off. It really did. Know why? Because YOU just did THAT. Over and Over and Over and Over. And I'm wondering about this seemingly, NOW, DEAD WEIGHT pulling me under with the LifeLine I'm struggling to pull along TroubledWaters, with my teeth to ResuscitateHumanity.

It made me exclaim some rather choice words at the TV. Moments later, I felt I had to apologize to a HUMAN I'd never in my life seen before, who couldn't possibly know I'm watching her -- just in case she thought I was as 'radically-hateful' as the DEAD WEIGHT I'm attempting to pull through YOUR REALITY. "I'm sorry -- it had nothing to do with you," as I turn my attention elsewhere, frazzled.

The screen itself rotates views between vast AGREEMENTS between business magnates, signing deals, AUTHENTICATING PROSPERITY, and feeding many mouths. In the meantime there are beautiful, CLEAN cities, with NEW CONSTRUCTION, and a flourishing and THRIVING POPULACE. "Geee," I think to myself, "and all I hear about the 'chinese element' is HumanRightsAbuses.

Hmmmmm ... made me WONDER (uh-oh, 'wondering' isn't allowed in HELL). It made me wonder how those same folks accusing Hussein of 'abuse' while doing it TEN TIMES WORSE could be just spouting bullshit about Asia? Hmmmmm, which of those babbalized books could I open for 'confirmation?'

See how that works? It's called: EVALUATION -- and yours is about to EXPIRE.

So then I saw an interesting news clip, where Yang Yan informed the viewers about an uprising in a SovereignState, can't remember the name, but the King of this Kingdom has disbanded the PartySystem and protestors were being caned, literally, in the street, because it was literally blocking business.

Isn't that fascinating? Think about it -

HERE, they'd be mowed down with machine guns. Literally, and YOU KNOW IT. Okay, maybe a bit 'exaggerated?' Ya' think? Wanna bet? Wanna review your GenocideOfDissent AGAIN? Okay, just to entertain the notion of how 'perfect' you are, let's just remember that ProPeaceDemonstrators are warred against HERE, using chemical-weapons against them, imprisoning them after beatings and fining them, enslaving them to a legal-quagmire that costs billions per day to operate and will drain these 'beloved-neighbors' of their dignity, respect, community-positions and pocketbooks.

And don't forget it's ALSO your beloved-neighbors, wearing uniforms, that are put in the absolutely FUCKEDUP position of playing 'middle-man.' Do you think these folks wake up in the morning WISHING to go to war? It's literally, 'a job,' and lately it's been one of the worst in the world. That shows you how 'perfect' your SYSTEM is running. Neighbors warring with neighbors.


-- We have the HousesOfVERYExpensiveArguments costing billions per DAY just to operate, doing, WHAT EXACTLY?

I'm thinkin' it would be MUCH MORE ECONOMICAL if they took the day off -- maybe the rest of the year off. Vote yourself a pay-raise before leaving. You deserve it. Really. Need a GulfStream? TAKE THEM ALL. Have a nice vacation. Need a few trillion 'pocket-change?' Here. Take it. Please. Have a good time. Really.

"I hear the sailing is good off the coast of Florida now!" I mutter, OnHumor kicking-in, briefly, momentarily -- and I actually smiled for the first time today ... for a moment, before the pathetic thought wiped it off my face. (Ophelia, the Hurricane, is spinning around out there).

What's goin'On? Uh-huh -- don't bother packing, we'll send your things. Need an entourage? Take 'em. What else? Chef? Butler? Maids? Massousse? Okay. Yours. Done deal. Have a good time. By all means. More 'trillion-dollar-pocket-change?' Have all you want.

How many houseing developments have been RECONSTRUCTED and jobs CREATED in Afghanistan? Huh? Oh, that's right: no houses or sewers or clean water-system (except those contaminated with DU) and the ONLY JOBS are in OPIUM PRODUCTION or very, very costly HousesOfVERYExpensiveArguments.

How many schools and hospitals and bridges have been RECONSTRUCTED in Iraq? Huh? Oh, that's right: they were demolished, and the workers warred against, and the families divided and mass-murdered, and the pets holocausted against, the water-systems and farm fields contaminated by DU-232 for 37.5BILLION-YEARS! and the ONLY JOBS CREATED were morticians and the very, very costly HousesOfVERYExpensiveArguments.

See how this works? Ain't it, errrr, 'fun?' NOT!

And I'm thinkin' that 'voice' I FEEL, one of more than you can conceive, has EVALUATED me, and someday I'd like to meet HER -- and remind her what a fucking bitch she is for being ONE of THEM that put me here. Just 'a job,' and THE worst one in the world.

So, your HouseOfVERYExpensiveArgumentMembers, whomever, wherever, whatever, by all means, you deserve a break. Why don't you take the silverware and china on the way out? Please do. Take it all. Who cares? Have a nice time. Enjoy yourselves.

I have this gross feather on my desk -- I picked it up off the ground and it's been sitting here for weeks, getting covered in various 'goo' that gross people like me seem to puke-up all over the place merely by being, uhhh, well, you know, HUMAN. Anyway, this feather, twisted and gross, is the most apropos feather for YOU to stick in your cap on the way out the door.

"...and they called it macaroni."

And now you know the REAL meaning of that 'diddy,' eh? And just like everything else, you got THAT fucked-up too.

BestOfTheBestOfTheBestOfTheBest, WHAT EXACTLY?
ShiningExample of, WHAT EXACTLY?
Freedom of, WHAT EXACTLY?

You write laws CENSORING anybody and everything 'offensive,' an literally-endless-list, and wage war against an literally-endless-list of people. That's your 'feather' and sing it 'macaroni.'

And I'm thinkin' about that stupid joke I told -- you know -- about DOG -- and it's NOT FUNNY ANY MORE. None of it is.

So, why not CENSOR the internet and wage war against 'internet abusers?'
So, why not CENSOR more mouths and wage war against 'mouth abusers?'
So, why not CESNOR more bodies and wage war against 'breathing abusers?'
So, why not KILL ME and prove your integrity?
So, why not isolate ME and prove your FreedomOfSpeech bullshit?
So, why not jail ME and prove your FreedomOfExpression/FreeWill cacophony?

Oh, that's right, you've done all that.

You've got two more days on your EVALUATION and so far your SCORE is ZERO on ALL COUNTS.

DEAD-WEIGHT -- and I'm itchin' to cut the line -- or pull a bloating corpse to SHORE -- at least maybe a few hungry crab, or ant MOUTHS will be fed, eh? Maybe 'liberate' a swarm of maggots.

And suddenly, Yang Yan, a very -- by YOUR STANDARDS -- 'plain' woman -- is one of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. Reporting REAL problems and REAL progress in the REAL world, not a bunch of self-made, back-patting about genocidal, terrorism by DeathWorship of the CrossOfShame.

See how this works yet? Fascinating, isn't it?

BestOfTheBestOfTheBestMadLibers. Fuckups. You FLUNK.

Anybody ALIVE out there at all? (dead silence) -- hmmm, should I cut the line or drag 'it' in?

No encouragement in HELL, that's for damned sure. Just insults, bickering, name-calling, THREATS and HATREDS, while you WORSHIP_DEATH and delude yourselves with ECHO_CHAMBER back-patting of how you are 'BEST.'

Sorry, I don't see it. Meanwhile, I got my own personal bills just about paid -- a miracle in itself -- and the HousesOfVERYExpensiveArguments cost you a few more billion dollars today, money YOU DON'T HAVE AND NEVER WILL.

So the 'geniuses' are saying this is about 'two sides of this guy talking to himself.'

See how that works? Fascinating, isn't it? FLUNK/VALIDATE_AUTHORITY/PROVE_INTOLERANCE.

Nice goin', 'geniuses.' You DESERVE a vacation. Really. Need a few trillion 'pocket-change' and a private jet? No problem. Take THEM ALL. Please. Have a nice time. We'll even triple your salary. It would be MORE ECONOMICAL. Call it a 'paid-leave' forever, compliments of the TaxPayer, of course -- and we'd probably actually get EXCITED about paying for THAT.

HumanRights: FLUNK
FreedomOfSpeech: FLUNK
FreedomOfExpression: FLUNK
FreedomOfTerroristicBrainwashing: FLUNK
FreedomOfDistortedRealities: FLUNK
FreedomOfDissent: FLUNK
FreedomOfThought: FLUNK

Geeeeee, forgot one ... care to guess which ONE? Well, you got another two days to think about it. If the words 'encouragement' mean anything to you, perhaps it will 'light-bulb' your day.

Anyway, I got out the phone bill to pay -- I was late -- OFFTime's a bitch -- and I called to make sure it wouldn't be interrupted for ANY REASON. Guess what? I fucked it up. I really did. So I got out the bill and drove to the nearest pay-phone because my phone wouldn't dial out. Figures. It was BUSY. Just like the ARRANGEMENT DAY -- NEXT DAY -- DAY AFTER. I turned around and drove back. An expensive drive. No shit.

Later, I made yet ANOTHER special trip into town, bringing the bill with me. Know what it says for 'who to call' about paying your bill? No one. There's lots of phone numbers, but none of them regarding making an actual payment -- unless you'd like to DIAL-OUT AND GO ONLINE! At the phone-booth, I dialed the number under 'questions' because it was a quarter to six in the evening and the office hours, CLEARLY PRINTED, said they closed at 6pm. I got a recorded message that said they close at 6pm! Mountain-Time! I checked the bill carefully to make sure there wasn't something printed, clearly indicating that for MY time-zone their office hours would be ...

... nothin' there. No 'time-zones' mentioned at all. Shit. I thought I was stupid -- really.

HELL sucks.

-- and I didn't say anything about my rights being violated, which they were. I'm protected by ALL LawsOfMan, the ones you KNOW and even the ones you DO NOT, see.

So, whomever that EVALUATOR's THOUGHTS I've 'heard,' warm though it IS, I'm really not sure if that 'thing I admire' is something I would want to hug or slap. Honestly. I'm sure I'd be the perfect-gentleman I always am -- despite all of YOU/YOUR HELLISH INTOLERANT COMPLAINTS -- if I met her, or any of the others, but that's the way I feel about it at this moment. Weird, isn't it?

IMPRESSIONS FROM BEYOND, see -- and right next to me, literally. YOU too. No shit. Guess you were too busy focused on 'sexy-cheerleaders-asses' and 'words' and 'music' and 'clothes' and how 'oppressed you are' while nailing people to your CrossesOfShame, with HUMAN_BEHAVIOR_101, to even notice, eh? Too late now.

The OriginalPeoples tried to tell you. The result? GENOCIDE. Survivors, see -- from the LastTime this happened -- so you mass-murdered them in your LUST for 'freedom' -- or whateverthefuck you call THAT.

But in your delusional 'reality' you give THANKS! to it -- and mutter nonsensical bullshit to the air in your DEATH_WORSHIP, 'excusing' yourselves from TRUTH while doing 'carpentry' on your CrossOfShame. See, I don't think anybody cares about anything at all -- and no matter how hard I struggle -- no matter how hard I SWIM -- I'm pullin' DEAD WEIGHT to SHORE, or cuttin' the line.

So then you'd 'linger' for awhile -- maybe a day, a year, a decade -- until your EndTimeConspiracy actually plays out -- with YOU AS THE PAWNS. "PAWNS OF WAR," remember? Nope -- you 'geniuses' didn't listen that time either. Nice job -- you deserve a break -- please, take the petty-cash box, WITH the furniture, and take a nice long vacation. Have a good time. Really.


Now, one more time: seize the SATANICrossOfShamers' assets -- GLOBALLY, ALL RELIGION, the REAL TERRORISTS THAT TRAIN, FUND, SUPPORT AND ARM -- take out loans against them -- pay-off the ArmamentIndustry PAID_IN_FULL, so they can take nice long, comfortable vacations while we ResuscitateHumanity and build the StairWayToHeaven. It's THAT simple. And you will START by ECHOEING MY WORD - NOW. Please -- just a 'kindly request' before their GLADIATORS KILL ME and your world expires, as they CONDUCT their 2-millenia conspiracy, AGAIN, to KILL YOU. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.

HELLO! ARE WE COMMUNICATING YET?! Fill any POTHOLES yet? Figures. HELL sucks. Meanwhile, the SpiritOfYourHatred is spinning hurricanes. No shit. Just one is a 'bee-sting,' eh? Well, you don't care. I've come to the conclusion you LOVEDEATH. What the HELL else could it be? You WORSHIP_DEATH, FFS! You even do your silly 'chants' over dead people in elaborate DEATH_WORSHIP on ALL LEVELS, ALL DIMENSIONS. Heaven is MADE OnEarth -- not OFFEarth -- OnEarth. OnEarth. OnEarth. WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?

WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?
WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?
WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?

WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?
WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?
WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?

WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?
WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?
WTF part of 'OnEarth' don't YOU get?

Religion IS the DECEPTION, see. Your SCORE? FLUNK.

Two days left. Are we having fun yet? I know I'm NOT!


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