Monday, September 05, 2005


(I had to make an edit. Typo -- sorry Robin and Christi -- unintentional typo that changed the very MEANING of the sentence. I'm correcting it now. See, even GOG's a fuckup. spookey, huh?)

Day04-05 BEHOLD: It's a GOG's life ...

And so, OnHumor gets me in trouble here:

-- because when they find the manuscripts (PAST), they see that GOG's best friend is NOT HUMAN; but HIS best-friend is also 'ultimate-integrity,' see. So, I guess you use the SAME SYMBOLS to designate 'IT'?

BEHOLD - ?Define? - and 'DOG' is born unto thee;
-- because of the above, see.
-- and when I laughed at how fuckin' stupid HUMANS are, well, you get the point, eh?


And so I burned your TowerOfBabble, because it was made of such flimsy-match-stick-crap, right to the ground. AGAIN.


I popped-over to the website to review a few thoughts.

'Prayer in action,' I guess? Maybe this is the ROOT of all that misinterpretation, eh?

Interesting, isn't it?

So, while over there at the websites political forums, I reviewed the hatreds of 'lovers' and the hatreds of 'haters' and found TOO GOOD TO HATE at every level.

And so it goes -- on and on and on -- wheels-within-wheels-within-wheels -- so I EndTimed that nonsense, see.

There was an article regarding those seeking shelter in the SuperDome. First off, the structure is a Jewel. NOW. eh? Look how many lives it saved, so any IRSSS about it's construction is now rendered moot forevermore. It was worth every penny and MORE, see.

Apparently, the frightened (and no one could NOT be 'un-terrified' there), divided into groups of 'good' and 'gooder' and 'goodest' and 'justified' all kinds of 'weird-shit.' Don't know what else to call it, because under those types of 'weird' circumstances, people do 'weird-shit,' period.

Claims of rape, beating, torture, even murder. And PANIC is a bitch of a 'rescuer,' ya' know? So who 'helps' whom? Another 'gooder-group' that will defend their PositiveKingdom, thusly creating more of the same -- as they argue amongst themselves as to who should be 'excluded' from their 'paradise,' see.

So the 'sinners' get 'cast-out' into ... ???
And when those 'sinners' arrive in the 'outside,' they are taken advantage of by those who were TOO GOOD TO HATE THEM PREVIOUSLY, (because, before, they laughed at 'those-people'; because, before, they scorned 'those-people'). And we get endless cycles of mayhem, on every level, every dimension, every conceivable manner.

And it's disgusting, so I EndedTime, literally.

Will it make it BETTER? That's up to you, see. AllOfYou/AllOfUs. There's your ONLY 'free will,' see -- to THINK/PROCESS/EXPERIENCE and ACT on it. So, if you're all CENSORED from the very experiences you are trying to 'cast-out,' then what gives you the INTEGRITY to cast stones at one another, see?

Sound contradictory? It's not -- it's my fuckedup wording. I'm, errrrr, 'working' on it.

What to do when some asshole attacks you? Defend yourself, obviously. What to do if that jerk is raping and pillaging and plundering? They are ATTACKING YOU, see. AllOfUs/AllOfYou.

And it's TRAINED, see. That behavior. That IS the DECEPTION -- made manifest in actions.

That's why I killed SATAN, see. That's why I KILLED GOD. That's why I killed all your FalseGods between. Because this endless cycle of 'mutual-rape' is disgusting. Because NOT you NOR anyone else has the RIGHT nor the AUTHORITY nor the INTEGRITY to do ANYTHING OTHER THAN DEFEND.

It's HARDCODED into the CORE of your BEING. Literally.


Robin in the morning. Warmth. Very nice. *wave*

She's wearing a daisy (or something) -- white in color -- and those 'petals' are reflective of interconnectivity-in-nature made manifest in symbology. So is our math/physics, see. Language, too.

So, I'm sitting here thinking about Robin&Company and the same (above) applies, see.
And I'm sitting here thinking about EARTH and the same applies.

Isn't she a sweetheart? I love her. I really do -- not 'in-love' (OnLove) by any means but her countenance is appealing to me, personally, and her AUTHORITY is obvious in her INTEGRITY. Does that make JudyFortan any less?

Nope -- sure doesn't. She's great too. Really. I was wondering about that. See, there must be someone that analyzes voice-pattern-fluctuations and determines the 'range' that is best suited for the 'image' the 'studio-broadcaster' is attempting to put forth to the masses. Anyway, is this a 'score' on a resume', or, is it the 'definitive-marker' used to hire? Just wondering -- I wonder about everything, literally.

Over on the PoliticalCrossFire.Com forum, I saw an article critical of CNN. Solidad O'Brien had apparently 'grilled' someone about the disaster, putting them in the 'hot-seat,' and it made the viewer (sharing their thoughts in the forum) uncomfortable.

Now, this is interesting. First off, I've been following Solidad's career from the BEGINNING, and I admire her so much. I really do. She's NOT an 'attack-dog.' She's wonderful -- and her questions, even 'to-the-point-hot-seat-type-questions,' are NEVER any definition of either 'obscene' nor 'offensive.' ANY ONE that claims otherwise is merely making up crap in an ATTEMPT to 'justify' their ridiculous PositiveKingdomsOfShame.

(Don't yell at me for misspelling names -- no disrespect intended at all).

This is the TIME to EVALUATE, see. Because YOU have been EVALUATED. Literally. And still are.

But I did notice a more 'aggressive' nature to Solidad's questions -- briefly saw it while flickin' through broadcasts -- and I realized IMMEDIATELY what was going on. SO DID YOU.


Pretty simple, ain't it? All those people and we're TRAINED TO BLAME, and there is nothing but wreckage and disaster at our feet. Who to blame? Well, your GOD is now murdered by me. So is your SATAN. So are all your FalseGods between, murdered by me. What now? Who's left to bitch at?

See where we're going? Your ONLY CHOICE now is to cut each others' throats (figuratively) or bitch at ME.

I actually listen to complaints. No shit. Nobody else does -- unless it's a flippin' PHOTO-OP!

So that leaves my purse filled with ULTIMATE INTEGRITY -- forever. Doesn't matter if I'm poor, broke, stink and ride a donkey. See how that works?

Unfortunately, the CREDIBILITY (platform) is CENSORED FROM ME.

So, all that bitching goes unheard. Nice eh? That's your REALITY, PERIOD, FOREVER, because I EndTimed your Universe.

Solidad is a wonderful HUMAN and I admire her tenacity and spunk. Who couldn't? She's cute, too, which makes it even BETTER, IMHO. But that's my PERSONALPREFERENCES and those don't get in the way of TRUTH as it does in ALL OTHERS. Which leaves that ULTIMATEINTEGRITY 'feather' fully in my cap -- unless I were to even HINT at discriminating against 'less qualified' people -- merely by gender/appearance.

So, am I? I'm trying to figure that out, see. Just like you -- but the difference is, I've ALREADY FIGURED IT OUT -- and I'm just spoutin'-off here -- going through the 'mental-gyrations' AGAIN, sharing with you the process.

So, what are the 'bottom-lines?' Well, let's look at my NEEDS for a moment:
2) ResuscitateHumanity
3) CREDIBILITY (platform)

Where does 'cute' fit into that?

I'll tell you -- right here, right now: ResuscitateHumanity is an Operation IN_PROGRESS, period. The EchoMyWord portion is VITAL. The platform to do it is CENSORED FROM ME. But eventually, no shit, I'll watch reinactments, WITH THE SCORE, and there will be lots of lithe-supple bodies performing.

That's why I made HUMANS cute, see. It's THAT simple.
That's why I made EVERYTHING cute, see. It's THAT simple.

CENSORING ME is an abomination. Literally.


And the perverts will claim, 'he just wants to fuck all these girls!' Well, ya' missed 'guys' in there, so wtf do you have to say now, asshole?

And the perverts will claim, 'he just wants free-orgies!' Well, ya' missed the boat there, asswipe, and if you'd LISTEN/READ/LEARN as I've instructed, maybe you'd get TINGLES instead of pyroxisms of outrage?

What is 'cute' to you is also 'cute' to me, see. So don't even GO THERE, without VALIDATING MY AUTHORITY.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get back to all those sweethearts I admire on CNN, CNNHN and a few others:

Does your 'voice-registration' qualify?
Does your 'countenance' project hostility or nurture?
Does your 'cuteness-factor' come across to a 'control-group-avg' as 'appealling' or 'gross?'

And that's why we have this quandry, see. Are we actually DISCRIMINATING against 'ugly?'

Obviously, in past, we have been. We thought we were doing everything 'right' and as it turns out we're perpetuating INTOLERANCE.

So, I switched over to a ChineseBusiness channel and carefully examined the differences between China News and CNN's news.

Know what I found? Same thing -- what you see on TV is a disproportional amount of 'cute' in comparison to REALITY. So, we really do have a 'discriminatory-factor' involved.

Meanwhile, I grew up HERE -- I have my own versions of 'appealling' beaten into me -- but I also KNEW FROM THE BEGINNING, just like you, what IS or IS NOT attractive to YOU PERSONALLY. It's ALWAYS been that way -- and that's why some people give you a 'spark' on a sexual-level.

NOT ALL -- some. A tiny portion of humanity, really. And sometimes that 'spark' develops between two people that had previously ONLY thought of each other in non-sexual terms altogether. So, how's THAT happen?

Interesting, isn't it? Downright fascinating.

Because now the 'cuteness-factor' is DEAD. Because now the 'political-factor' is DEAD. Because now the 'ugly-factor' is DEAD. Because now the 'religion/philosophy-factor' is DEAD. Because now the 'age-factor' is DEAD, too.

Freepy, isn't it?

So the perverts will literally RANT AND RAVE about 'wild sex,' 'orgies with abandon,' and nonstop bullshit attempting to SHAME YOU FOR BEING HUMAN.

Sick, isn't it? Having someone blame you for BREATHING?

I've only conducted myself in monogomous-relationships, but some people find them boring, therefore IMPOSSIBLE BOUNDARIES under which to live. TRUTH.

So, what to do? Make a bunch of IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT-BREAK LAWS to wage WAR against these 'humans?'

There's SATAN. And I killed him.
There's GOD. And I killed him for the same flippin' reason.
There's FalseGods in-between, and I killed all those too.

Obviously, be it the HUMAN at the news-desk or your neighbor, it doesn't matter squat if you find them 'cute' or 'ugly,' now does it?


That doesn't mean I want to fuck all this 'cuteness.'
That doesn't mean I want to isolate the 'un-cute' and wage hostile activity against them.

So, keep your perversive fantasies out of MY pants, thank you.


So, I missed most of Robin's broadcast. Sorry, Robin&Company. Oh look! Cristi Paul! *wave* -- isn't she great? How can such 'greatness' between either Robin or Cristi be differentiated?

See how that works? It's not that they ARE 'cute' -- and it's NOT that they may be 'un-cute' -- it's not that they have 'voice-pattern-recognition-levels' that are 'cute' -- it's not that they don't --


It's a combination of FACTORS -- that are TRAINED into us -- AllOfUs/AllOfYou.

But I don't have the degree of 'permutation-in-programming' -- still there, sure -- but I FIXED the fuck-ups, for ME and for YOU -- so I'm not fantasizing about 'cute' -- so I'm not fantasizing about 'un-cute' -- so I'm being TOLERANT?

Interesting, isn't it?

What about the 'ugly-fat-guy' with glasses and a squeaky voice? Seen him on TV recently?

Come to think of it, I have -- just not on CNN or CNNHN.

I guess there is a modicum of 'balance' in there -- SOMEWHERE.


So, I have a SOLUTION -- that must have come from, errr, ELSE, right?


Where's Kathleen Kennedy this morning? See, Cristi Paul is sitting in for her, I guess, with Stephen Frazier (I'm gonna get the spellings right on these names SOMEDAY!), and I'm thrilled to see Cristi but still wondering if KK is ok.

So are YOU. That's the way it WORKS, see. Not the 'system' -- YOU, as in 'You, personally.'

Which transcends all logical-explanations of TIME/ENERGY/ECONOMY.

All the endless piles of IRSSS fall here, see, trying to explain THAT.

And it's a form of 'censorship.' We don't know if the HUMAN 'missing' is okay or not. We don't know if the HUMAN 'missing' is by design or accident. We don't know if the 'missing human' is taking 'personal time' or was 'terminated,' see. As a whole, 'we' do NOT know these things.

And StephenF has the voice of Legend built-in. Notice that? Isn't he great at his job? Who do you want to experience on the news, the 'Chipmunks?'

So, we have all these good folks out there -- just as 'good' -- but lacking these vital characteristics for the specific task in question. Somebody MUST decide. Who?

Interesting, isn't it? How do you make THAT 'fairer?'

Hmmmm ... what to do ... what to do?

In HELL, there are NO ALTERNATIVE ANSWERS that are anything more than perpetual-discrimination.

That's FACT. PERIOD. No matter how 'non-discriminatory' one attempts to make this FailedSystem work.


The President has nominated John Roberts to the unSupreme8 -- working toward Supreme9.

I heard, in the announcement, that he has, 'integrity.'

Fascinating, isn't it?


Stephen looks tired, this morning, sitting at the CNNHN news desk. But his eyes still sparkle -- fabulous eyes, and if you dispute that, you are lieing to yourself, and lieing to GOG in the process, see.

The perverted are fantasizing about 'GOG wants to fuck Steve!' like their relentless onslaught of accusatory CrossOfShame antics reveals. Honestly, how these INTOLERANTS can cast stones at any one is one of the reasons OnHumor is so flippin' hilarious.

I like my HUMANS-for-sex younger, thank you and fuck you very much, pervert.
By the way, wanna watch? *snicker-snicker*


And the President has outlined the unannimous decision to nominate John Roberts. Interesting words, eh? Mindphuk in itself? Maybe -- let's take a look:

We have a 'group' of 'underlings' that voiced 'support.' PERIOD.

Next, we are reminded by GB that he is the, 'bestOftheBestofTheBestLawyers.'

Emphasis on the word 'lawyer,' see.

Fascinating, isn't it?

Followed by the word, 'integrity' in there someplace.

Hmmmmmmmm ... let's hope those 'leadership-skills' aren't a bunch of IRSSS, eh?


Almost 8am and I haven't done shit. Guess I should work on the new UNIVERSE, eh?


Meanwhile, Sean Penn is talking about sharing a '6.'
Imagine that.
Wonder if anyone else caught that? Oh, that's right, HELL isn't designed for REASON nor MEANING.
I guess that makes Senn a genius by default. No shit.


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