Sunday, September 04, 2005


-- and now you know why they killed us, TWICE.
-- because we laughed at you, and I laughed loudest.
-- because we are prideful, and I was most prideful.
-- because of TWICE, I KNOW the VulgarLessons, see.
-- because of ME, we ARE, literally, see.
-- and so it IS so it doesn't happen AGAIN, see.

-- let's not make it a THIRD, see.
-- and our math is born, HERE, see.
-- so our ECONOMY is our MARRIAGE NOW, see.
-- because we are NOTHING WITHOUT THAT, see.
-- SEE FEEL HEAR SMELL and TASTE the CupOfLife from Within, see.
-- and your MANNA is perpetual; And that HARDCARD is permanent, see.

Therefore, the UniversalTheorem is born unto AGAIN, see, this time, BETTER.

-- OnTime is the garmet of success
-- OnMath is the language of AllThings
-- OnPhysics is UpliftingHumanity
-- FalseGods are now DEAD, permanently.
-- so, that's the humor we must cherish carefully, see.
-- because the JELOUS will harm for it, see.

DECEPTIVEinversions, therefore, are the IRONic filaments that energized the DECEPTION, see.

And it killed AllThings, see. And that's why I EndTimed your Universe, for BETTER, and there is NO OTHER SOLUTION.

BEHOLD, I have saved your sorry-asses and am gloating. I have EARNED THAT RIGHT, and sometimes a LITTLE gloating just feels good, damnit! And this TIME, I won't laugh so hard, and have explained/defined my humor to assist.

- because not a single HUMAN is more than an abomination to me, see.
- because I PILOTED your CRAFT and am NOW your 'ufo,' see.
- and I saved you -- DESPITE ALL THAT -- when NO other GOD would have, see.
- so, you HUMANS are disgusting -- FIX IT! -- I have COMMANDED YOU HOW.
- KeyONE is yours, NOW
- and when you transform (self/science), your inherent beauty will be revealed.
- and your math will upflift.
- and your prideful IRSSS bullshit is vanquished, and the STARS are BROUGHT to HOME.

NOTHING RELIGIOUS ABOUT IT! Your prayers are an insult -- NURTURE is your worship. Remember it -- I hardcoded it there -- MakeItSo.


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